Monocular Sensory Processing

[OD1 Spring quarter]
This course presents the basis of monocular vision and includes light and dark adaptation, spatial and temporal resolution, and color vision. Students learn about striate and extra-striate cortex, and also gross electrical potentials and photometry. This helps students to understand different electrodiagnostic and imaging techniques such as visual evoked potentials (VEP) and MRI.

Furthermore, they learn about different psychophysical methods (e.g., signal detection theory). In addition, an overview of human visual development is also discussed.

Visual Anatomy and Neurophysiology

[OD1 Spring quarter ]
This course presents an introduction to neuroanatomy and neurophysiology from a visual perspective. Discussion of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, and specific visual pathway information from low order to high order processing are included. Students will learn how to apply their neuroanatomy and neurophysiology knowledge to dysfunctions and diseases of nervous system pathways.

Basic Binocular Vision

[OD2 Fall quarter]
This course will present an overview of basic concepts of binocular vision such as the geometry of the binocular projection, the concepts of fusion, binocular summation, retinal correspondence, the horopter, stereopsis, fixation disparity, rivalry and aniseikonia. These concepts will be helpful to understand binocular vision related issues such as convergence insufficiency.

Capstone Projects

[OD2 Fall, Winter; OD3 Summer, Spring]
The goals of this Capstone program is to promote student research through completion of a series of 4 courses requiring individual and group projects and to provide a foundation for lifelong learning and evidence-based clinical practice. The capstone project may be an experiment in basic, vision, or clinical science, or an analysis of a patient case series.