Welcome to the Translational Vision Science lab (TVSLab)

The TVSLab at Midwestern University focuses on using sensory systems such as vision as a model to explore overall neurodevelopment. We are primarily interested in understanding how the visual cortex and visual processing develops in at-risk children. Led by Dr. Ari Chakraborty, the lab uses a variety of psychophysical techniques to understand higher visual processing, such as multiple object tracking, motion perception, and form perception, in both adults and children. The TVSLab also uses perceptual learning and non-invasive brain stimulation techniques such as Transcranial Magnetic and Direct Current stimulations to explore potential treatment modalities to treat cortical visual processing deficits in adults.

Lab updates

neuroConn DC stimulator plus [non-invasive brain stimulation]

[mobile EEG]

Oculus Quest
[VR headset]

Leap Motion Controller
VR based optical hand tracker

GP3 HD eye tracker
Eye monitoring during psychophysical experiments